Well, I haven't kept updated on my daily diets, but that doesn't mean that I have fallen off the bandwagon!!
I have maintained my dieting goals, just haven't lost the expected weight... Well, not yet at least. I am trying not to get to caught up with number on a scale, still... It would be a nice incentive. I went to the rec last night, and worked on a machine for awhile. I am very proud of myself and haven't lost a bit of motivation yet!! WOOHOO!
The dogs and I have also enjoyed a few migrations... But not today, it was ICY cold... Belle is keeping up on her figure too, and takes a daily (just about) treadmill jaunt. I am a little self-conscious of my first lap swim, so I am trying to cajole a friend in to going with me. I plan to take the plunge next week sometime...
Tonight we are having grilled tilapia, yummy yum!
Until next time, I am leaving you beautiful pictures of our tasty ranch burgers with asparagus and all the fixings!!
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